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Genoa Lakes - Development Loans with Western Highland Mortgage

Development Loans


What is a Development Loan?

It is a type of loan financed for the purpose of constructing or installing items to improve or convert raw land into a lot (or lots) ready for commercial construction projects. Examples include malls, subdivisions, apartment complexes, golf courses, etc. Western Highland Mortgage has been involved in several large Development Loans, including Genoa Lakes Golf Club, consisting of 2 championship golf courses and continuously expanding subdivisions (pictured left). 


How do they differ from Improved Lots & Raw Land Loans?

Improved Lots already have some type of infrastructure on the land (such as sewer, water and electricity connections), while Raw Land is a larger umbrella term, which includes single-family residences, or simply raw land purchase with the purpose or resale. Although Development loans fall under the Raw Land umbrella, Western Highland Mortgage differentiates them because they focus on larger scale commercial development. 


We are most often contacted for Development Loans in order to convert large plots of raw land (40 acres or more) into subdivisions for housing. Many borrowers find us convenient to work with because these development loans easily convert into construction loans once initial conversion of the raw land is achieved. Our Loan-to-Value ratio varies due to the wide range of development loan types, Please Contact Us now for a risk-free consultation. 

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